About us

Board of Directors

The role of the Board is to provide effective leadership and oversight of I-RES, set the strategic objectives for the Company and determine the nature and extent of the principal risks it is willing to take in achieving these strategic objectives.

The Board is collectively responsible for the long-term sustainable success of the Company and delivery of value for its shareholders and other principal stakeholders, including employees, residents, lenders and suppliers. The Board leads the development of the culture, purpose, values and strategy in I-RES and aims to ensure that these are aligned.

The Board is responsible for I-RES’ dividend policy, corporate governance, approval of financial statements and shareholder documents and formulating, monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness of the Group’s risk management and internal control systems. The Board also seeks to ensure that its obligations towards its shareholders and other stakeholders are understood and met.

The Board is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of financial and business information provided to shareholders and for ensuring that such information presents a fair, balanced and understandable assessment of the Company’s position and prospects.

There is a clear division of responsibilities within I-RES between the Board and the Senior Leadership Team. Responsibility for day-to-day running of I-RES operations is delegated by the Board to the CEO, CFO and Senior Leadership Team, with the Board reserving to itself a formal schedule of matters over which it retains control.

Corporate Governance

The Company’s corporate governance practices are governed by the relevant requirements and procedures prescribed by the UK Corporate Governance Code and the Irish Corporate Governance Annex to the UK Corporate Governance Code.

corporate governance

The Board is supported by its four principal Board Committees in discharging its duties. At each Board meeting, the Chair of each of these Committees provides an update on their committee’s activities. The duties and responsibilities of each of these Committees are set out clearly in written terms of reference which are approved by the Board and published on the Company’s website.

These terms of reference were reviewed and updated in November 2023.


Audit Committee
Remuneration Committee
Nomination Committee
Sustainability Committee
Senior Leadership Team
Company constitution